Friday, November 4, 2011

Thirty days of Thanks..

I have so much to be thankful for, it is hard to decide what I will write about each day.

I am thankful for my family!  When Bill and I got married we joined two large families. Then, when my birth daughter (Wendy) located me, we added her family. I feel like one of the luckiest women in the world. Even though we will probably never be together at the same time,  I like to fantasize on what that picture would look like!

A big Thanks to Mimi Lenox, who started a world wide blog movement in 2006.

Today, she has asked bloggers to dedicate their post to World Peace!

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
C. S. Lewis 

Dona Nobis Pacem!

Grant Us Peace!


  1. I had to go back and read a couple of these thankful posts of yours as I was behind! I can't believe they call it Tebowing when many athletes have done this kind of thing for YEARS!

    I can imagine what that picture of all of you would look like- a family that is filled with happy blessings!

  2. It is so fun to picture a family all together at one time no matter the size. I know I dont live near my daughters or grandchildren and I dream about them all being near and ahving family photos along with my siblings and theirs along with mom and dad who are no longer married and have other families WOW!
    So much to be thankful for.
    World peace. That would be so wonderful.
    Many blessings

  3. Shawn
    I really miss being around the "huge family" especially during the holiday season!! MY mom and dad both came from large families Dad 9 Mom 6 so I had all kind of Aunts, Uncles and cousins on both sides...however I do not know most of my dad's family. Now there is usually about 16-20 joining us for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

    Thank you for the post.
    PS I am all for the world peace!!! would be so nice

  4. Yes, it is a good thing to look at all the things we can be thankful for, instead of all the things we haven't got or wish for. I may wish for peace, but realise I already have love of my lovely family and friends!

    Still, I can't help wishing for peace too :-D

    Peace and happiness to you and yours x

    [A link to your post will soon be on my blog 'Peace Bloggers Unite' ]

  5. Thank you so much for blogging peace with us today. We appreciate your spirit of gratitude and words of wisdom.

    Peace to you and yours,
