Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thirty days of Thanks

Today is November 23, 2010

I believe I have already posted about how thankful I am that I live close to most of my Grand kiddo's and today was a prime example.  This morning at H's elementary school there was a Grandparents breakfast and a book fair.  It was so nice being able to go in late to work and spend time with D (Ev was sick and had to stay home) and her other Grandparents1  So, today I am thankful for  living close to these precious children and for being their NANA!
Big D

Little E


  1. Beautiful photos!!! You are truly blessed .. not just for having these little miracles close by, but my the gratitude you show in knowing how blessed you are. Many , Many Blessings to you.. HHL

  2. Awwww...adorable! I am sure they are thankful for YOU as well!

  3. Aww Shawn,

    They're sweet. How nice to be able to spend the time with them. It's so hard when family is far away and so nice when they are near. Our Shawn hasn't been able to come home for the Holidays in the last 4 years, and I miss that so much. We're going to visit her for Christmas this year, so I am really looking forward to it.

    I'm sorry I haven't been by in a bit, but my computer is acting up and won't let me get into about 10 blogs on my blog list. I tried about 100 recommended "fixes" but nothing has worked so far. It's been a week and I'm ready to pull my hair out! I can't publish pictures from it either. Ugh!

    (I "borrowed" hubby's computer so I could do some pre-scheduled posts and access your blog and a couple of the others!)

    Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and a great rest of the week!

    Peace and Blessings,

  4. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving ~ enjoy spending time with the family!!
