Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Newest Teenager!

It's so hard to believe it has been thirteen years since my youngest daughter gave birth, to her daughter.

 Because her Mommy is a diabetic, she was an 8lb 9oz preemie. This sweet baby, is the joy of my daughter's life and mine.

She has celebrated firsts:

She grew:

..... celebrated holiday's

..she was silly,

..and serious

..she learned

....and grew into a beautiful young woman,

..who is loved by all,

To my Sweet Angel on her thirteenth birthday,

I hope you always remember how much you are loved.
I hope you always remember to champion for the underdog.
I hope you laugh more than you cry.
I hope you love, not hate.
I hope you always look for the good in other's.
I hope you always reach for the star's because, with hard work, anything is possible.
I hope you always turn to your family if you have a problem, knowing we will always be here for you.
I hope you laugh at yourself when you are not perfect. Laughter can be the best medicine in life.
I hope " I am Sorry" rolls easily off your tongue.
I hope you are always a leader, not a follower. You know what is right, stick with your morals and   convictions, do not let peers sway you.
I hope you never lose the essence of you..the wonderful you!
I hope you realize that people are more important than things.
I hope you make a difference in this world and touch many hearts. I know you will!

I hope you know how much we love you,

Nana and Grandpa Bill